welcome to meant to eat!

The best part of my job is getting a front row seat to every win (small or big). Whether it's trying a fear food or reframing negative thoughts, healing your relationship with food and body is no easy feat! Every challenge overcome and every step towards a more positive and healthful relationship with food and body deserves to be celebrated. There is truly nothing more inspiring than seeing clients cultivate a life that is more fulfilling than they could have ever imagined.

caitlin mudd

hi there! I'm...

I received my undergraduate degree in Nutrition and Dietetics with a minor in Health Promotion from Southeast Missouri State University. I then moved to Nashville, Tennessee to complete my dietetic internship through National Healthcare Corporation. During my undergraduate education, I had the opportunity to serve on the NEDA week student board, which initially ignited mu passion for working with patients with disordered eating and eating disorders. I have since worked in private practice providing nutrition counseling utilizing a HAES-aligned and intuitive eating approach to those suffering with binge eating, orthorexia, body dysmorphia and compulsive exercising.


professional and educational experience

Want to feel encouraged & seen. She's your biggest cheerleader and will acknowledge and celebrate every win (big or small)

Are not afraid to cry a little and laugh a little in session (all feelings are welcome here)

Desire a judgement-free zone where you can fully be your authentic self - because healing happens when we hold space for all the messy, beautiful parts of your journey

caitlin is your dream RD if you...

© Meant to eat nutrition counseling, pllc | Site credit