you're meant to be here

like right here, right now!

I know this because I think there may be part of you that knows deep down you are struggling to keep it all together with racing food thoughts, endless food rules, and constant self criticism....

And I'd like to hold space for that part of you right here on my blog.

My favorite quote is an old Swedish proverb that says, "joy shared, joy doubled; sorrow shared, sorrow halved." So linger a while here and let's double some joy and halve some sorrow.

warning: moments of pride in your eating disorder could be shame temporarily relieved

Hi hi hi!!! It’s been a moment since i published a blog on here. It’s been a busy season since December opening my own eating disorder nutrition counseling private practice! Stay tuned because more is coming in March – May, big announcements to serve Nashville in big ways. In the name of transparency, taking this […]

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eating disorder recovery