This blog was written by Mikayla, our beloved office manager here at Meant To Eat. She has generously shared her heart in this blog for you & me – hope you enjoy <3 I remember when I was going through recovery & I couldn’t bring myself to the store to buy jeans that my present […]
Sometimes my brain gets sticky. I get frustrated with my anxiety when heavy and/or unwanted thoughts keep circling right back up to the forefront of my brain. Calling that “my sticky brain” is a helpful way for me to add a degree of separation. Which often allows me to reflect vs. react, which is typically […]
What you don’t know about your weight is that it is pretty useless information. Especially considering how much time we spend thinking and attempting to change it. Knowing a person’s body weight is important for documenting a child’s development, prescribing medications like anesthesia, or calculating tube feeds. That is close to being it. In fact, the […]
Body hunger is typical hunger, the kind where your stomach growls. Brain hunger deals with the emotions, like cravings and eating for the experience. Body hunger Body hunger includes stomach growls, headaches, shakiness, lack of concentration, irritability, and nausea. Without a doubt, find food ASAP once one or more of these symptoms start. Keep in […]
Swimsuit season is right around the corner. Here’s a quick how-to cut carbs for your best body. First of all, you shouldn’t. Cutting carbs will do nothing but make you a less nice version of yourself. And second of all, your best body is the one that you don’t undernourish or over exercise. Your best […]
There’s the raw vegan diet, Whole30, paleo, Weight Watchers, ketogenic, alkaline, If It Fits Your Macros, the baby food diet, and literally thousands more. So which is the best to begin your 2018 with? I think it’s interesting how many diets there are. You’d think that if a diet was so incredible and powerful, there’d […]
Go ahead and look inward and ask yourself: Do I want to be healthy or be skinny? Personally, I can’t remember a time in my own life where I would have answered that I would genuinely rather be healthy than be skinny up until 2 years ago. It was music to my ears when someone told […]