you're meant to be here

like right here, right now!

I know this because I think there may be part of you that knows deep down you are struggling to keep it all together with racing food thoughts, endless food rules, and constant self criticism....

And I'd like to hold space for that part of you right here on my blog.

My favorite quote is an old Swedish proverb that says, "joy shared, joy doubled; sorrow shared, sorrow halved." So linger a while here and let's double some joy and halve some sorrow.

Intuitive Eating: what it is and what it’s not

Intuitive Eating is often mistaken for lots of things by the internet. Intuitive eating is an approach to food and eating that focuses on listening to your body’s natural hunger and fullness cues, rather than following external diets or restrictions. It encourages eating based on physical hunger and satiety, fostering a healthy relationship with food […]

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eating disorder recovery

Food Freedom, Diet Culture, & the Super Bowl

When we say Super Bowl party – what comes to your mind? Are you immediately flooded with thoughts and anxiety about food? Or are you able to think about the commercials, community, and a possible Taylor x Kendrick collab? Truth is, with the game lasting 4-5 hours, your body is going to need nourishment during […]

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eating disorder recovery

give your body some grace and buy jeans that fit

This blog was written by Mikayla, our beloved office manager here at Meant To Eat. She has generously shared her heart in this blog for you & me – hope you enjoy <3 I remember when I was going through recovery & I couldn’t bring myself to the store to buy jeans that my present […]

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body image, eating disorder recovery

have happy holidays, without the food guilt!

Did you know that following statement: “The average American gains 7-10 pounds from Thanksgiving to NYE”…is a lie? In reality, the average American gains a single pound each year. The multi-billion dollar diet industry is notorious for stretching the truth, or promoting outright false information with the primary goal of making a profit. Bombarded with […]

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food neutrality – the secret to more peace with food

This blog is written by Meant To Eat Nutrition Counseling’s Intern, Kim Pierson. You can read more about her and the lovely work she is doing here. Food often gets labeled “good” or “bad;” so, it’s not hard to accept the fact that many of us struggle to find peace in our eating habits. Phrases […]

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how to challenge your food rules

Happy Saturday y’all!! There is SO much happening at Meant To Eat – including hosting a wonderful intern for 4 weeks. I have had the joy of mentoring and working with Kim for the past two weeks and luckily we still have two weeks to go. Today she’s a guest posted on our blog with […]

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eating disorder recovery

food freedom weekend reminders

Y’all are catching me in a whirlwind of life. Last weekend, my high school friend group spent a weekend together in Knoxville and this weekend I’m off to Texas for family time. Wherever you are this weekend, I hope one of these reminders helps you feel a smidge more grounded with food. connection > disconnection […]

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food, life

stomach pains & eating disorders

It’s the biggest catch 22 in disordered eating recovery. It’s a part of my story & so many who have sat across from me in my office. “I got sick and felt so helpless, when I looked online every one pointed to food as a place to start” “My stomach hurts ALL the time, so […]

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eating disorder recovery

how anxiety shows up as food intolerance

Food intolerance is often over diagnosed while food anxiety is overlooked. We somatically experience food intolerances the same way we experience symptoms of anxiety. Emotions are powerful. They shape our experiences, drive us to respond and react, and viscerally show up – that’s how we know they are there. While emotions start in the brain, […]

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eating disorder recovery

knowing vs. *knowing* that eating your fear food is okay

I spent yesterday baking my favorite cookies and listening to Christmas music. It was glorious. My favorite Christmas cookies are these molasses spice cookies that are from my “Silver Spoon Cookbook.” It’s the cookbook I watched my mom cook and bake from every single day growing up that her mom collected and hand wrote all […]

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eating disorder recovery