you're meant to be here

like right here, right now!

I know this because I think there may be part of you that knows deep down you are struggling to keep it all together with racing food thoughts, endless food rules, and constant self criticism....

And I'd like to hold space for that part of you right here on my blog.

My favorite quote is an old Swedish proverb that says, "joy shared, joy doubled; sorrow shared, sorrow halved." So linger a while here and let's double some joy and halve some sorrow.

letting go of your sick body

It’s National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. This week does a lot of good *and* it’s always a week I find myself holding my breath for the numerous of posts that show up on social media of very very sick bodies. I believe there is merit to self expression and pushing against censorship. This isn’t a […]

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eating disorder recovery

warning: moments of pride in your eating disorder could be shame temporarily relieved

Hi hi hi!!! It’s been a moment since i published a blog on here. It’s been a busy season since December opening my own eating disorder nutrition counseling private practice! Stay tuned because more is coming in March – May, big announcements to serve Nashville in big ways. In the name of transparency, taking this […]

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eating disorder recovery

knowing vs. *knowing* that eating your fear food is okay

I spent yesterday baking my favorite cookies and listening to Christmas music. It was glorious. My favorite Christmas cookies are these molasses spice cookies that are from my “Silver Spoon Cookbook.” It’s the cookbook I watched my mom cook and bake from every single day growing up that her mom collected and hand wrote all […]

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eating disorder recovery

nature’s reminders for eating disorder recovery

We are on our way back from Hawaii where we celebrated three years of marriage. Jared and I decided in our engagement that we didn’t want to buy gifts for each other on our anniversaries, but instead save throughout the year for a trip where we can make memories together. So far we have gone […]

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eating disorder recovery

how to eat adequately on the not-so-normal days

This weekend was SO full for us. For the past three years, aka like our entire marriage, Jared has had to work every other weekend. So at least my normal is two very, very calm relaxed weekends every month. He will be start CRNA (certified registered nurse anesthetist) school this January, so we are in […]

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photos you don’t like of yourself

I was just on a two week long trip with my family….there were lots of pictures taken 🙂 Some of them I like and some I dislike. Years into my own recovery and body image journey, I interact with photos I dislike differently than I used to and I wanted to share those boundaries. 1. […]

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food narratives & offering another story

Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked Ice Cream was a really emotional food for me. There is a relationship that I used to have that brought me a lot of pain. This person failed me in many ways *and* they also did what they could, with what they knew, with what they had. I often felt […]

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eating disorder recovery

false alarms need new associations

It’s not uncommon that an individual living with an ED experiences fear, anxiety, worry, and nervousness with food. And when I say uncommon, I mean it’s common and constant. That fear, anxiety, worry, and nervousness are REAL. Those feelings are visceral. They are valid. What they aren’t are reliable. A brain with an eating disorder […]

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eating disorder recovery

recovery costs (literally & emotionally)

Let it be known that what prompted me to start this blog post was a lawnscaping business card delicately placed in between our mail box and the flag thingy. No other mail box on our street that I could see had one. Is this passive aggressive or aggressive aggressive LMK. Generally the lawn is all […]

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eating disorder recovery

california family trip & thoughts on business

Last month, we got back from California on a trip with my family!! My parents are extremely generous and have included me and Jared on several amazing trips. This trip was unlike any other due to the chaos that was the weather, plans falling through, and a really unfortunate case of food poisoning from food […]

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