you're meant to be here

like right here, right now!

I know this because I think there may be part of you that knows deep down you are struggling to keep it all together with racing food thoughts, endless food rules, and constant self criticism....

And I'd like to hold space for that part of you right here on my blog.

My favorite quote is an old Swedish proverb that says, "joy shared, joy doubled; sorrow shared, sorrow halved." So linger a while here and let's double some joy and halve some sorrow.

how to cut carbs for your best body

Swimsuit season is right around the corner. Here’s a quick how-to cut carbs for your best body. First of all, you shouldn’t. Cutting carbs will do nothing but make you a less nice version of yourself. And second of all, your best body is the one that you don’t undernourish or over exercise. Your best […]

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body image, eating disorder recovery

the best diet for 2018

There’s the raw vegan diet, Whole30, paleo, Weight Watchers, ketogenic, alkaline, If It Fits Your Macros, the baby food diet, and literally thousands more. So which is the best to begin your 2018 with? I think it’s interesting how many diets there are. You’d think that if a diet was so incredible and powerful, there’d […]

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body image, eating disorder recovery

when I lose 10 pounds, then I will be happy…

When I lose 10 pounds, then I will be happy. When I can fit into a size 2, then I will be more lovable. When I eat fewer calories than I need, then I will finally be worthy. These are all statements that I have believed to be true at one point or another in […]

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beans & greens soup

Maybe it’s the Southerner in me, but I love greens. One of my professors has a saying that in order to keep stayin’ alive, you need your BeeGee’s. Cue the disco party. But for real! Beans and greens are packed with nutrients and are filling for little calories. And they are so inexpensive. You probably already […]

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