It’s Monday. Maybe this past weekend you “let yourself go” or you “cheated” a lot and now you’re wanting to get back on track. First of all, I am all for fresh starts. They can be so refreshing and exciting! But I think it’s important to point out that a healthy eating pattern shouldn’t cause […]
I am not a big fan of Mondays. But I am a big fan of 10-minute dinners…especially on Mondays. Every Monday, I try to eat meatless. Mostly because I am a sucker for alliteration #MeatlessMonday. But going without meat on Mondays has other benefits too. First of all, plant sources of protein are usually less […]
There’s the raw vegan diet, Whole30, paleo, Weight Watchers, ketogenic, alkaline, If It Fits Your Macros, the baby food diet, and literally thousands more. So which is the best to begin your 2018 with? I think it’s interesting how many diets there are. You’d think that if a diet was so incredible and powerful, there’d […]