you're meant to be here

like right here, right now!

I know this because I think there may be part of you that knows deep down you are struggling to keep it all together with racing food thoughts, endless food rules, and constant self criticism....

And I'd like to hold space for that part of you right here on my blog.

My favorite quote is an old Swedish proverb that says, "joy shared, joy doubled; sorrow shared, sorrow halved." So linger a while here and let's double some joy and halve some sorrow.

life without compulsive exercise

Years later, I am still resting and learning to live in my body. There’s nothing about compulsive exercise that is healthy. I used to use my body, but it was all to live outside my body and for a certain body. Now, I am practicing to live inside and with my body. Compulsive Exercise can […]

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to my girls off to college

Ahhhhh!! I am so excited for you. So excited that I made this 9 page guide to give your the basics on food, exercise, and body image as you start this new season of your life. Going into my freshman year, all things food felt really overwhelming. I am really proud of my younger self […]

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eating disorder recovery, life

some days I don’t eat any vegetables

Just like somedays I don’t eat any “sweets.” What was your first reaction to that – a hint of celebration when a day passes by without dessert or a tinge of guilt when you look back on a vegetable-less day? There’s a some good insight behind that reaction. Diet culture praises one and vilifies the […]

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eating disorder recovery, food

finding relief from hard body image

This past month, Jared and I moved, drove 1783 miles across the southeast to celebrate and spend time with friends and family, packed and unpacked a 3 bedroom home, started new jobs, and got some hard news of a loved one’s diagnosis. On top of that, we all live in a world filled with devastation, […]

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Pandemic Body Changes

Our whole world changed this past year. Why would it not be okay if our bodies changed too? I think on a day-to-day basis, we lose sight of how much this pandemic affects our lives. Take a moment, if you’re able, and think about all the ways COVID has changed your world in the past […]

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life changes, and so do bodies

What’s your food and body and exercise autobiography? Any client of mine has been asked this question – and for good reason. Growing up in this world we collect messages and experiences, like putting coins in a piggy bank, ultimately setting the stage and writing the script for how to perceive and respond to life. […]

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life, Uncategorized

lent & your relationship with food

This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, that prompts the usual question, “what am I giving up for lent?” Common items to give up for those 46 days include social media, TV, and food. And of course you don’t give up food entirely, it’s usually sodas, dessert, bread, added sugars, or foods deemed as unnecessary (aka “junk”). […]

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eating disorder recovery

bacon butternut squash soup

Today is my first Thursday of the semester without having my dietetic internship in the ICU. I spent the morning cozied up watching the Today Show while folding laundry, unpacking from FNCE, and running a few errands at Target. I also took Lou, the cutest rescue pup ever, on a long walk only to come […]

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what you don’t know about your weight

What you don’t know about your weight is that it is pretty useless information. Especially considering how much time we spend thinking and attempting to change it. Knowing a person’s body weight is important for documenting a child’s development, prescribing medications like anesthesia, or calculating tube feeds. That is close to being it. In fact, the […]

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body image

caprese stuffed chicken

At least once a day I reminisce about my trip to Italy 2 years ago. Yes, it was just that magical. Every day was filled with gelato and Tuscan wine. And most days included a simple, yet mindblowing, Margherita pizza. I was truly living THE dream. In Spain, I recently tried pan con tomate, bread with […]

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